Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Art for the Wee Ones

I am back after going on a hunt to find the picture card reader.  I put it in a special place so the children wouldn't play with it and I forgot where that special place was until today. 

This week was my husband's birthday.  My daughter suggested we get him a Dora guitar so she could play with it and my son agreed that would be good.  Instead I had them make some art for his office.  If I had been thinking I would have picked up the watercolor canvases when they were on sale a few weeks back, but I can't remember half the things on my grocery list when I have the list in my  hand. 

I started by asking them what are some things they like to do with their daddy.  After we generated a list I had them chose one and paint a picture.  On the back I had them tell me what it was and I wrote it, so in 5 years we won't be scratching our heads.  Even the baby made one.

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